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Execution of Wills by video-link

Commentary | 23/04/20

As of midnight 22 April 2020, the Covid-19 (Signing of Instruments) Regulations came into force.  This law, which has effect until 30 September 2020, enables the execution of Wills to take place by audio-visual link: Zoom, WhatsApp etc.  The law sets out the process by which the Will should be executed including the identification of the person making the Will and the subsequent preparation of a declaration by the witnesses confirming the process undertaken.

The law also provides for various documents required for probate of a person’s Will to be witnessed remotely and for the Executor’s or Administrator’s Oath (usually sworn in person before the Registrar of Probate) to be administered by video link.  The Royal Court has also confirmed that the signing and witnessing of Lasting Powers of Attorney can be executed via video link along with other Powers of Attorney.

Since the pandemic hit Jersey our Estate Planning & Capacity team have experienced a huge increase in Will instructions from both new and existing clients and this legislation will facilitate the execution of those Wills whilst keeping the general public and our staff safe.

Voisin Law’s Estate Planning & Capacity Team provide expert guidance in all matters concerning capacity issues. If you would like to have an informal discussion about these matters, please contact Angela Roscouet or Eliana Lennon.

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