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A terrier in tweed. One of the best in Jersey. You want him in your corner. Personable, knowledgeable and professional. Ability to give clarity to awkward situations. Calming influence. Very good.
People > Dexter Flynn

Dexter Flynn

A respected and experienced commercial litigator, Dexter has been involved in many high profile cases over the years representing clients from numerous jurisdictions.

Dexter has represented both plaintiff and defendant clients in mediations in the UK and Jersey. He also successfully acted on behalf of clients before the International Court of Arbitration. He has secured significant settlements in a number of high value personal injury claims (a number of cases settled in excess of £1 million). Dexter represents clients in the Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal. He has lectured at conferences and provides presentations to clients and the industry at large.

Additional Information

Dexter gives numerous presentations to Industry regarding the employment/discrimination law. He teaches a Jersey Employment Law course and he has a monthly column in the ‘Business Brief’ pan channel island magazine and contributes to other newspaper, magazines and professional publications on a regular basis. He has been asked for comments and interview for radio and television. Dexter is the co-author of the Jersey Employment Law chapter of the Practical Law Company’s ‘Labour & Employee Benefits Handbook’ and contributed to the Jersey chapter of the ‘International Civil Fraud’ Practitioner’s guide.

Recent Deals

Volaw & Others v Attorney General of Jersey – Voisin is acting for the Applicants in relation to an Investigation of Fraud Notice issued by the Attorney General. The case is expected to be determined by the Privy Council in 2017. Volaw v Comptroller of Tax & Others – Voisin is one of the first law firms in Jersey to challenge Tax Information Exchange Agreements. He is involved in a number of Judicial Reviews concerning the Comptroller’s decisions under the new regime. Pirrwitz v AI, PI and Vilsmeier – head lawyer on a complex action concerning payment of consultancy fees arising in the Meinl Litigation. RBC Trust Company (Jersey) Limited v E, F, G and Others – A long running case of trust litigation of which Dexter had sole conduct. Injunctions – Dexter has many years experience in relation to interim relief applications (eg STM Fiduciare Limited v Bay Isles Limited and Michael Russell). Dishonest Assistance – Dexter was the lead lawyer when acting for a party in a multimillion pound civil dispute which resulted in a legal departure in Jersey from the English law principles of dishonest assistance. Employment – Dexter advises on all matters pertaining to employment. He has acted for large institutions such as banks and trust companies as well as individual employees. Dexter was involved in the first and successful appeal to the Royal Court from the Employment Tribunal in Jersey (Voisins Dept Store v Brown). Construction – Dexter is developing a niche acting for developers/construction companies. He acts for the biggest building company and mechanical/engineering company in Jersey. Other notable cases Jersey Financial Services Commission v Alternate and Others; CN Limited; Equity Trust (Jersey) Limited v Teighmore Limited and Others; Lady Fatin Almutlaq v JP Morgan; Cunningham v Sovereign and Others; Freeman v Ansbacher Trustees (Jersey) Limited.

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