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world book day mont a l'abbe school   mont a l'abbe growing spuds choir Our CSR strategy is to focus on the youth of Jersey. We believe that our global reach and client base is only made possible because of our commitment to both our employees and the local Jersey community. Our sponsorship strategy reflects not only these commitments but also our identity and our values that are central to every aspect of our work. We are strongly committed to supporting Jersey’s future – its youth – and we believe that success should not be limited to a minority and therefore want our support to be accessible to as many young people as can benefit from it. In 2019, our 150th anniversary year we have pledged to help give disadvantaged young islanders a helping hand, by choosing Brightly as our charity of choice. The firm will be helping to raise money and awareness of the vital work the local charity does to support those children and young people from birth to 25 years of age. Brightly works with those who are being looked after in States care, leaving care, or foster care as well as others who are suffering adversity and are in need. At Voisin we understand that CSR isn’t just about giving money to charities, it’s about our whole business model and the effect it has socially on all stakeholders. It’s also about our staff; how we include them and the opportunities we present them with. We work with a wide variety of organisations and charities. For example, we have worked closely with Mont a L’Abbe school for over 10 years and how we work now with WetWheels Jersey and whilst they undoubtedly appreciate any financial help we provide, of greater value, is the human support, staff volunteering at the school, interaction at joint events and support with learning. This sponsorship focuses on maritime experiences for disabled and disadvantaged people in Jersey. We started working with Wetwheels Jersey, to ensure as many members of the community as possible get to learn about the Island’s unique marine environment. In the same way, we will be working in partnership with Brightly to help raise awareness of their work, through volunteering and staff-led fundraising initiatives that we are planning to hold during the year. As one of Jersey’s longest-established law firms, Voisin can trace its origins to 1869. Therefore, the heritage of our Island is important to us. Voisin also sponsors the Jersey Heritage Patrons Scheme. The sponsorship helps Jersey Heritage to conserve, educate and share collections. It enables them to build their collection, create inspirational exhibitions and events and engage people through learning opportunities. For further information about our sponsorship strategy, please contact Georgina Jeffries, our Head of Marketing.
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